Angular is a popular open-source web application framework primarily maintained by Google and a community of individual developers and corporations. It’s used for building dynamic, single-page web applications (SPAs) and web applications with rich user interfaces. Angular is written in TypeScript, a statically typed superset of JavaScript, which provides tools for building large and complex web applications.

Key features and concepts in Angular development include:

Angular applications are built using components, which are reusable, self-contained pieces of user interface. Components have their own templates, styles, and logic.

Angular applications are organized into modules. A module encapsulates related components, services, and other code into a coherent unit. The root module is typically named AppModule and serves as the entry point for your application.

Angular uses HTML templates to define the structure of the user interface. You can use Angular’s template syntax to add dynamic content, data binding, and logic to your templates.

Data Binding
Angular provides two-way data binding, allowing you to easily synchronize data between your component and its template. This means changes in the UI are reflected in the underlying data and vice versa.

Directives are special HTML attributes or tags that add behavior to elements in your templates. Angular provides built-in directives like ngFor, ngIf, and ngSwitch.

Angular services are used for sharing data and functionality across components. Services are typically responsible for making HTTP requests, managing application state, and handling business logic.

Dependency Injection
Angular’s dependency injection system helps manage the creation and sharing of objects and services across your application. It promotes modularity and testability.

Angular’s built-in router allows you to create navigation and routing for your SPA, enabling users to move between different views within your application without full-page reloads.

HTTP Client
Angular provides an HTTP client module for making HTTP requests to server-side APIs. This module simplifies handling requests and responses, including error handling.

Angular offers robust support for building forms, with features like two-way data binding, form validation, and form controls for user input.

Angular uses RxJS observables to work with asynchronous data and events. Observables simplify handling data streams, such as HTTP requests and real-time updates.

Angular provides tools and best practices for testing your application, including unit testing and end-to-end testing.

CLI (Command-Line Interface)
Angular CLI is a powerful tool for generating components, services, modules, and other application parts, streamlining the development process.